High Quality Dried Fig for Sale

High-Quality dried fig for sale is available at the best prices Because it reaches the customer without intermediaries, so the buyer can get the product at the lowest cost while ensuring quality and making a significant profit. Also, due to the high quality and novelty of the product, many buyers have been attracted to this direction.

High Quality Dried Fig for Sale

What Are Dried Figs Good For?

What Are Dried Figs Good For?

Vitamins A, B, and C in dried figs increase physical strength and reduce physical tiredness in the long run. It also has a warm nature and therefore increases sexual desire in men. Magnesium, calcium, and amino acids in it increase sperm strength and enhance fertility. The fiber in figs regulates digestion and keeps you full for a long time. The enzymes in figs, which are also used in the production of digestive pills, convert protein into an amino acid, thereby causing weight loss. Due to its antioxidants and vitamin C, figs neutralize free radicals and make your skin clear. It regulates the digestive system. The fiber in figs can prevent and treat constipation. If you have hemorrhoids problems. Fig fruit contains small seeds that eliminate anal protrusion. Also, if your hemorrhoids have inflammation due to constipation, figs can help treat hemorrhoids with constipation. Dried figs are good for bone health because of their calcium content. Phosphorus in dried figs plays a key role in bone healing and also prevents osteoporosis. This fruit contains wonderful amounts of vitamin C and iron, which help treat anemia. Due to its fiber and the ability to excrete harmful estrogens, it is considered a preventative for female cancer. Figs strengthen the immune system and prevent disorders such as colds, lung infections, and coronavirus. Calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and fiber in dried figs help pregnant women experience a healthy and comfortable pregnancy. Some of the benefits of figs for pregnant women are: lowering blood cholesterol levels, relieving weakness and fatigue, relaxing the mother, having a positive effect on the fetal nervous system, treating pregnancy constipation, preventing maternal and fetal eye problems, regulating blood pressure levels. Figs contain enough potassium and sodium to prevent high blood pressure. Consumption of fresh figs helps lower blood glyceride levels. In addition, omega-3s and omega-6s prevent heart disease and block coronary arteries.

What Is White Stuff on Dried Figs?

What Is White Stuff on Dried Figs?

The white material on dried figs is the same flour that is poured on the fruit so that they do not stick together while the fruit is drying.

types of figs include options below:

  • Sun-dried figs: Sun-dried figs, as the name implies, are dried by intense sunlight. This is done in two ways: either the figs are placed on a place called the sponge or they are threaded like a rosary and exposed to sunlight to dry. Of course, drying in factories is done differently. In the factory, after the figs are soaked in materials to dry faster, they are placed in front of a stream of hot air. This species is lower quality and less expensive than other types.
  • Peeled dried figs (and super-peeled): Dried figs are the fruit of a special type of fig tree that is larger than the others and is so-called smiling. Since its production is low, it has a higher price. The amount of this product is not more than 10% of the total weight of a garden product. Of course, its taste is also different from the usual type. Figs above the peel are also more smiling than the peel, but it is the same.
  • Kermanshahi dried figs: Kermanshahi fig is a type of fig that is boiled with water and sugar before drying, and then it is exposed to hot air and gets dried.

High Quality Dried Fig Exportation

High Quality Dried Fig Exportation

High-quality dried fig is one of the best-dried fruit of many manufacturers and traders working in the international export domain. With their knowledge and experience in this field, they provide the best quality products to foreign customers in bulk and without intermediaries. It is exported to all countries around the world.

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